Available mods
↓ 48
Discord Rich Presence
Adds Discord integration into Smol Ame.
↓ 147
A mod which can help make tool assisted speedruns (TAS) for the game. Requires SALT to work
↓ 43
Oh F__k
Adds an "oh f__k" death sound to amelia.
↓ 104
Infinite Jump
Makes it so you can jump without touching the ground!
↓ 62
Increased Speed
Makes you move 2 times faster.
↓ 54
Beeg Ame
Adds a playable giant version of amelia.
Poisonous Bubba
↓ 22
Poisonous Bubba
A mod which freezes the player when a bubba coin is touched, the level has to be reset to return to normal
↓ 39
Slower Ground Pound
Slows down the speed of falling when ground pounding.
Utility mods
These aren't usually useful by themselves, but contain common resources used by other mods.