Smol Ame Mods

are unofficial modifications for Smol Ame, which add new features, improvements, extra content, and more. Use the SALT to easily load these mods.

Support and modding talk

Join the speedrunning Discord server if you need support, wanna learn about making mods, or just to chat with this wonderful community:

Smol Ame Speedrunning Discord Server

Become a modder

If you want to make your own mods, the SALT documentation has most of the info you need to get started. The easiest way to start is by cloning the mod template project and following the instructions there. Also, that Discord server linked above is a place where I and others can help you.

Smol Ame?

Smol Ame is a neat game. Check it out or whatever.

Smol Ame?

This page isn't official, nor affiliated with KevinCow, or anyone really.